S&T | CArE | CE 2211
CE 2211
Course Policy
Course Policies


Course Coordinator

Jeff Thomas, PhD, PE


2001 F Plaster Center, Springfield






Weekly Meetings

G6J Interdisciplinary Engineering


All lab information is here on the class web site.  No printed text will be used.  Handouts will be provided as necessary.


CE 2211 -- Materials Testing [Lab 1.0]  Designed to assist in the teaching of mechanics of materials.  Topics include strain measurement, testing machines and properties of materials.  Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by CE 2210.

This course is also designed to evaluate students' basic writing, presentation, and data collection and interpretation skills.  A comprehensive list of objectives for engineering instructional laboratories is provided for your review.

Attendance Policy

Attendance at all lab meetings is required.  If you miss a lab meeting, you will have to arrange to make up the missed experiment with your TAs.  Missing three lab meetings in a row may result in you being dropped from the course.  And failure to participate in all laboratory experiments will result in an automatic F for the course.

Research Groups

Students will be divided into research groups to perform laboratory experiments.  Each group will communicate its experimental findings at the beginning of the lab period following the laboratory experiment.  A penalty of 50% per class period will be charged for not submitting an assignment at the expected time.

Peer evaluations will be conducted within each research group.  The course director and TAs will use judgment in converting peer evaluations into class participation grades.

A group member failing to contribute to an assignment may have his/her name removed/withheld from that assignment by the contributing members.  In this case, the non-contributing member will be expected to submit his/her own report under the same guidelines and timeframe as the remainder of the group.

In the event that a group member is repeatedly failing to do his or her share of the work, the group may elect to "fire" that member.  This will require a hearing with the TAs, appropriate and detailed documentation, and sufficient justification of such action.  If a group member is "fired," he/she will be individually responsible for completing all remaining assignments. The "fired" member will not be able to join another group.


Grades will be posted on Blackboard.  The standard university grading policy will be followed.  However, the course coordinators reserve the right to curve grades at the end of the semester.  A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: 0-59

Student Conduct

Misconduct in this course is defined as plagiarism, failure to follow laboratory safety practices, intentional damage to laboratory equipment, and actions of a similar nature.  You will be expected to clearly identify and properly reference any information not generated by members of your research group.  You will also be held responsible for equipment that is carelessly, willfully, or maliciously damaged.  Failure to do so will be dealt with according to the Conduct of Students section of the Student Academic Regulations.

Disability Support

If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, you are strongly encouraged to meet with the instructor early in the semester.  You will need to request that the Disability Services staff send a letter verifying your disability and specifying the accommodation you will need before the instructor can arrange your accommodation.


Egress maps for all areas of instruction on campus are available on the web at registrar.mst.edu/links/egress.html. Students are encouraged to review this site and be aware of the emergency exit signs near their classrooms.


If you have problems with this course that cannot be handled by the teaching assistants, feel free to consult Dr. Thomas or the department chair, Dr. William Schonberg (BCH 211).

The course schedule, content, and assignments are subject to modification when circumstances dictate and as the course progresses and matures.  If changes are made, you will be given due notice.



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